
Uchida _Champions League _Valencia _Schalke _Utida Atsuhito _UEFAチャンピオンズリーグ・決勝トーナメント1回戦2ndLeg、シャルケvsバレンシア戦_Uchida Atsuto

FC Schalke 04 vs FC Valencia - UEFA Champions League 09.03.11 (Highlights 1st Half) 2/2

Teams advance to determine the full Uchida CL quarterfinals

 Champions League 09 local time (local time) in 2nd Round of the two games are held,Valencia is a member of Schalke at home Uchida Atsuto Utida Atsuhito (Spain) to play against, winning by 3 to 1. As a result, has decided to Schalke at the tournament total score of two games 4-2.
 In the previous game against domestic league only half resigned Uchida. Although not involved in the scoring act, starting the day played a full play.
The team reversed the first strike but has advanced to the quarterfinals and pieces.
 The next race of the day is done Schalke 12, Frankfurt, home to welcome in the domestic league.


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