Real Madrid Vs Zaragoza 3-1 Goals & Full Highlights Liga BBVA
FC Barcelona - Real Sociedad 5-0
Ronaldo C · 一閃 right! 首位との勝ち点2差堅守
R Madrid 3-1 Zaragoza - Real Madrid - Ronaldo's FK C · defended two different lead in the bullet points with Barcelona.
1-0 44-minute first half, kicked his right foot from the left front of the goal FK, GK person stuck in the net and unable to move.
And consecutive games scoring 17 goals in season 2 C · Ronaldo "The goal today is one of my best goals," and delighted. Mourinho is also working on Ace, "which was such a great collection from one of the goals of his" I looked back and contentedly.
From 2 Messi too beautiful! The top rank score.
FW Lionel Messi of Barcelona's Argentine leader (23), against Real Sociedad on 12 (home) contribute to two goals in the 5-0 victory.
Zaragoza 戦(アウェー)で1ゴールを決めた2位 R Madrid の Portuguese national FW C · Ronaldo (25)と17得点で並び、得点ランク首位に立った。V争いも得点王争いも、2人を中心としたマッチレースの様相だ。
Might well be drunk soccer fans around the world. Star right. Messi is "too beautiful goal" which is in rapid succession.
We can now play fantastic "
Messi 本人も喜色満面、満足度100%の5-0快勝。自身の1点目は2-0の後半2分だ。中央やや右サイドを、DF Alves Danieu と連続パス交換しながら突進。何と6度のパスを成功させた後、左足で流し込んだ。
数時間前に2位 R Madrid も勝利。エースの C · Ronaldo が得点ランクトップの今季17点目を決めていたが、Messi もこの2ゴールでライバルに並んだ。チームはリーグ戦9連勝で、R Madrid に勝ち点2差をつけて首位をキープ。Villarreal and 10 third place went a lot of difference.
V争い&得点王争いが Messi と C · Ronaldo を中心に回転していくのは開幕前からの予想通りだが、折り返しが近い第15節の時点では Barcelonaと Messiが一歩リード。昨季に続くリーグVと得点王の期待がかかる。
"Everyone has been really hard work. The only respectable fellow, but a great team," and Messi. The legs that continue to attract people.
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